~ From one of our murals ~

~ Newberg Noon Rotary Club Newsletter for

Zoom meeting on July 22, 2020 ~

[THANKS again to Mike Caruso for the use of his ZOOM account!]

~ Call to Order ~

Vice-President Joe Morelock welcomed Rotarians and Friends of Rotary to the Zoom meeting at 12:03 p.m. Wednesday, July 22, 2020.  Photos by Auggie, and meeting notes courtesy of Paula.

Mike C., Paula, Denise, Lynn, Paul, Joe, Laura, Gene, Ralph, Dan, Michelle, Om, Dale, Judy, Sean, Brandy, Shannon K., Kim, Shannon B., Spike, Auggie, Geoff, Kathie, Curt, Stan, Todd, Walter, Julie.

~ Zoom Meeting Participants ~

~ Rotary Guests ~

Larry Strober, Rotary Club of McMinnville Sunrise

Bill Rogers, President, Rotary Club of Newberg, Early Birds

~ Guest/Presenter ~

Danielle Howard Dye (Junior Orchestra of Yamhill County (JOY))

~ Announcements ~

  • Join Kim on the Membership Committee. New members keep our club vibrant.

  • Geoff: The 2019 GFU interns completed the mural on the Library Annex. The mural depicts various forms of the arts. A big “thank you” to Jim for arranging for scaffolding. The 2020 interns will paint the next mural on the former Plaid Pantry building at the “Y” intersection in Newberg.

  • Paul: The Rotary Club of Newberg is approved for a $2,500 matching grant for our schools’ Resource Rooms.

  • Thanks to all — $573 was collected for Polio Plus at last week’s Rotary Club meeting.

~ Rotary Moments ~

Gene: Rotary moments can be fleeting or lengthy. From 2005-2010 I was full-fledged Rotarian, then made a job change so I could assist my spouse. Auggie shared that I could be a Friend of Rotary. Om recently helped me with an insurance plan. I am grateful to fellow Rotarians.

Laura: The recent edition of The Rotarian describes a club fundraiser called Radio Days. Using podcasts, the club raised $220,000—something to consider as we think about a virtual auction.

Brandy and family took a hike last weekend. The plan –hike from Timberline Lodge to Mt. Hood Meadows—a three-hour journey. After crossing the river, they could not locate the trailhead and decided to return to Timberline. (The three-hour journey now became a six-hour trial without food and water. Brandy’s mother and stepfather began to tire. Brandy and others hiked out to get help. On the way, they encountered a hiker–a Newberg High School graduate. The hiker provided located Brandy’s parents, gave them food and water and lead them to safety.

~ Program, Junior Orchestra of Yamhill County (JOY) (Danielle Howard Dye, Teacher) ~

Danielle Howard Dye graduated from George Fox University where she studied Violin Performance and Music Education. She teaches strings in both classroom and private environments and currently holds a private studio. Danielle taught the After-School orchestra at Edwards Elementary School. Two weeks ago, Danielle married her Newberg husband. She says, “Newberg feels like home.” Danielle notes, “We are lucky to have such strong middle and high school orchestra programs in Newberg.”

Since 2017, the Junior Orchestra of Yamhill County (JOY) has been devoted to creating access to music and strings education to youth in Yamhill County. Working with the Newberg School District, JOY provides in-school violin education for Kindergarten and First Grade. In Second Grade, students continue in JOY’s After-School orchestra with the choice of violin, viola, or cello. The plan is to continue the After-School orchestra program through fifth grade to prepare students to join the middle school orchestra program.

JOY was inspired by the El Sistema movement, which started in 1975 in Venezuela by Dr. Jose Antonio Abreu to harness the power of music for social change. Because of Dr. Abreu’s successful work bringing music to underserved communities, El Sistema-inspired programs now operate in many countries around the world, including the United States. JOY is a member of El Sistema USA and is one of two El Sistema inspired programs that operates in the state of Oregon. JOY’s vision is to establish youth orchestra programs throughout Yamhill County.

Music education is important because it actively uses many parts of the brain at once. In engaging the many parts of our brains, we strengthen other skills such as focus, analysis, decision-making, planning, and attention to detail. In addition, participation in music groups oriented towards excellence strengthens community and cultivates social responsibility. The cognitive and social benefits brought together lead to improving student outcomes in school attendance and academic performance.

~ Are these kids having FUN, or what!? ~

COVID-19 brought a change in instruction from “in person” lessons to “virtual” lessons. Teachers recorded instructional videos for students to “play along.”

JOY supplies instruments to K-1 students via music classes. Children in the After-School orchestra class pay an annual rental fee of $15 with the fee waived if a family is unable to pay. Parents of JOY students are supportive and attend student performances

From the minute a child is taught how to play an instrument, he/she is no longer poor. He/she becomes a child in progress headed for a professional level, who’ll later become a full citizen.” –Jose Antonio Abreu, founder of El Sistema in Venezuela.

~ Thanks, Danielle! ~

~ July 22, 2020 Duck Donations ~

Name Amount Why



In honor of the NHS grad who rescued Brandy’s parents on the hike.

Auggie $10.00

Purchased a Rotary mask. He made a pledge last week and found the process easy.

Todd $10.00 Friendsview is building new residences and renaming buildings: e.g., University Village is now Pennington Terrace.
Shannon $10.00 In thanksgiving $5 for Joe hosting today’s meeting and $5 for our CASA case.
Denise $10.00 Thanks to Gene for his service on the Newberg City Council.
Mike C. $10.00 Thank you Gene for your service to our community.
Om $10.00 Thanks to Gene for mentioning my insurance business.
Joe $10.00 Thanks to Brandy for filling my inbox with patron feedback.

~ Next Week’s Program ~

NASA Space Camp

~ Respectfully submitted, Rick Kaufman, Newsletter Editor ~

~ PLUS…..~

~ Wisdom ~

“You are so much more than what you are going through.”    ~ John Tew

~ Trivia ~

~ The world’s largest butterfly, found only in Papua New Guinea, the female

Birdwing Butterfly typically has a 12″ wingspan….and eats poisonous vines! ~

~ Humor ~

~ Do you know these words?…..~

Widdershims, troglodyte, hobbledehoy, mugwump, borborygmus, gubbins, diphthong, collywobbles, lollygag? 

Look ’em up!  There WILL be a test! :-)