| Rotarians In Action
The way to war is a well paved highway and the way to peace is still a wilderness.”
– Paul Harris

Promoting Peace
Rotary is dedicated to causes that build international relationships, improve lives, and create a better world to support our peace efforts. Today, over 70 million people are displaced as a result of conflict, violence, persecution, and human rights violations. Half of them are children. The majority of the other half are women. The Rotary Club of Newberg is actively engaged in promoting peace through a number of initiatives including its active support of Peace Village, Peace Literacy, the planting of peace poles in Newberg and throughout the world, the Newberg Peace Garden, and the Rotary Peace Fellowship.
Making Newberg a More Peaceful Place
The Inaugural Denise Bacon 5K Run/Walk for Peace & Peace Fair brought together runners from the community and beyond. The top three adult winners each received from the Newberg Grocery Outlet a bagful of health foods, and the top three finishers in the children’s division each received a bagful of fun foods, books, and Halloween-related items from the Newberg Grocery Outlet. Look for our announcement of the 2024 5K Peace Run/Walk & Peace Fair.
The Newberg Peace Garden is a community healing project located at the First Presbyterian Church at 501 Mission Street in Newberg. It is organized by Ciaran Hynes. This is a garden that brings together everyone, embraces the natural world and is a place where peace thrives. It’s a work of love and it’s in our community – we are so fortunate to have a place to go to when the world outside gets a little overwhelming and chaotic.

Photo courtesy of the Newberg Graphic
Peace Poles
The Rotary Club of Newberg joined with Early Birds and community organizations to “plant” Peace Poles throughout Newberg. A Peace Pole is a four sided pole that has the phrase “May Peace Prevail on Earth” in four languages. The poles are in Memorial Park, Francis Square, Chehalem Cultural Center, Newberg Public Library, City Hall, Newberg Public Safety building, a number of churches, and at each of the schools. A Peace Path is at North Valley Friends Church.
Peacebuilder Club
The Newberg Noon Rotary Club is a Peacebuilder Club. At the 1921 RI Convention, Rotarians incorporated Peacemaking into its constitution and bylaws. Now, more than 100 years later, there are Peacebuilder clubs in over 32 nations. Rotary District 5100 became a Peacebuilder District in 2011 with a pledge of $25,000 to Rotary Peace Centers.
In 2019, the INTERACT Club at Newberg High School, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Newberg, became the first INTERACT Club in the world to become a Peacebuilder Club.

Fully Funded Peace Fellowships
Each year, Rotary offers up to 130 fully funded fellowships (tuition, room/board, travel) to those with a passion for peace. Applicants come from the US and around the world to study at one of Rotary’s seven Peace Centers. Graduates go on to work in peace and conflict resolution jobs. Since the program began in 2002, there are more than 1,500 fellows in 115 countries.

Rotarians fighting disease together.
The Rotary Club of Newberg was inspired in 2001 to expand its reach to the international community. One champions, Marni Haley and Auggie Gonzales, inspired others to work internationally, and in a short time we found ourselves teaming with the Rotary Club of Antigua in Guatemala to help remote villages with dental needs. What started as yearly extractions of bad teeth transformed to “no extractions” and improved overall health for the indigenous communities. The program expanded from dental hygiene and education to include water supply and water quality, medical support, building and infrastructure, and micro-banking.

Rotarians fighting against Polio.
When James L. Bomar Jr., then RI president, put the first drops of vaccine into a child’s mouth, he ceremonially launched the Philippine poliomyelitis immunization effort. Rotary’s first Health, Hunger and Humanity (3-H) Grant project was underway.
The polio eradication became a top priority. Rotary launched PolioPlus in 1985 and was a founding member of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative in 1988. Through decades of commitment and work by Rotary and our partners, more than 2.5 billion children have received the oral polio vaccine. Together, we end polio. Today, five cases remain in Afghanistan and two cases of wild polio remain in Pakistan.

Park cleanup
Throughout the year, Rotarians volunteer to help maintain our parks. Members come to weed, prune, remove trash and do whatever is needed to help, to have fun, and enjoy fellowship with other members and with nature. Photo is of the Memorial Park Cleanup – were Newberg Rotarians, INTERACT, family, friends, and CPRD prepared the park for Memorial Day festivities.

Rogers Landing
A consortium of service clubs got together on September 13 to clear out a section of a local marine park in Newberg that is popular with local swimmers, kayakers, and water enthusiasts. The monumental task, formally known as the Rogers Landing Beach Cleanup Service Project, employed volunteers from Rotary, Kiwanis and Soroptimist clubs in Newberg and was supervised by a staff member from the Yamhill County Parks and Recreation Department. Leading the effort from the Rotary Club of Newberg was Daniel Roberts. Daniel came up with the idea and contacted the County Parks Department and Linda Sandberg with the Early Birds Rotary Club. Linda coordinated with other clubs and a game plan was formed. With 30 volunteers, some chainsaws and equipment, access was improved and friendships formed. Stay tuned for future projects at Rogers Landing.