Rotary’s Four Way Test of the things we think, say and do:

#1 – Is it the TRUTH?

#2 – Is it FAIR to all concerned?


#4 – Is it BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


~ Newberg Noon Rotary Club Newsletter ~

Rotary Club of Newberg, Zoom Meeting

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

~ Call to Order ~

President Shannon Buckmaster welcomed Rotarians and Friends of Rotary to the Rotary Club of Newberg Zoom meeting Wednesday, July 29, 2020.

~ Zoom Meeting Participants ~

Mike C., Paula, Gene, Laura, Lisa, Kathie, Michael S., Dan, Denise, Shannon K., Judy, Shannon B., Michelle, Joe, Todd, Brandy, Lynn, Karen, Auggie, Todd, Dale, Tony, Paul, Corey, Geoff, Walter, Julie and Curt.

~ Guests ~

Larry Strober, Rotary Club of McMinnville Sunrise

Tim Rosener (Oregon Space Camp) Rotary Club of Sherwood

Dan Tilson (Oregon Space Camp) (1992 Oregon Teacher of the Year)

~ Announcements ~

Rick Kaufman, Rotary Newsletter Editor, wishes to hand off publication of our weekly Club Newsletter. Rotarians interested in this service please contact Club Secretary Shannon Knight at [email protected] Thank you, Rick, for your faithfulness, humor and persistence creating our weekly club communication!

~ Rotary Moment ~

Auggie, renowned for displaying Rotary memorabilia in his Zoom background shots, displayed a picture of Auggie and wife Maureen serving pancakes at the Annual Rotary Pancake Breakfast. Every summer, as part of the community-wide Old Fashioned Festival, the Rotary Club of Newberg joins with its sister club, the Newberg Early Birds Rotary Club, to sponsor a pancake breakfast in Memorial Park. The two-day event serves up all–you-can-eat pancakes (blueberries available, too!), eggs, sausage, orange juice and coffee and is one of the Club’s most popular events.

The annual feed began in 1966 when Joe Schneider was President and has continued every year since then. The event started as a club fundraiser with the original intent of funding youth programs. To make the breakfast a success, the involvement of Rotarians and community members is essential. Joe Schneider donated eggs for the first few years and enlisted the help of the Rotary sponsored Boy Scout Troop to crack them. The Boy Scouts surely did their best with the task. Sometimes Rotarians would have to check the Scout’s work to make sure no shells were left behind.

Laura is in communication with Grace Kuto of the Tigard Rotary Club. Grace is raising funds for families in Cheweleh, Kenya. Families are suffering from the impacts of a locust attack, a typhoon and COVID-19. Our Rotary Club Foundation donated $500. These Foundation funds provide food and water for a family of eight for 30 days or can assist 128 people for a month.

~ The Rotary Duck ~

Gene reports his first visit to Providence Oncology for chemotherapy was a “fantastic experience.” Gene shared that his wife received chemotherapy 10 years ago for same illness—so the two are comparing experiences. Follow Gene on Facebook as he chronicles his journey $10 for his first chemotherapy visit and $10 for his experience working with former Noon Rotarian Beth to complete pre-planning. “As baby boomers we are not going to live forever!”

Dan donated $10 for himself and $10 on behalf of his wife, Lydia. Dan and Lydia are excited to see Gene’s positive attitude and look forward to learning more about Gene’s experiences.

Mike C.’s son recently received a Masters in Music from New York University. As a requirement for his degree, Mike’s son wrote a play that was to be performed. Unfortunately, COVID-19 created issues with the play’s production. Penn State University contacted Mike’s son and want to stage his play.

Brandy: $5 for Gene’s spirit and outlook on life. $5 in recognition of Lynn’s hard work in the administration and organization of this year’s scholarships.

Walter: $54 for Walter and Julie’s 54th wedding anniversary and an extra $10 for their children who will visit virtually.

Lisa: A donation for a “group hug” in honor of Gene.

Todd reports 300 people at Friendsview received baseline COVID tests in a single day. Monthly testing at Friendsview is one more step in keeping the Friendsview community safe.

Judy: $10 for husband Marvin who power washed the wall for the next mural project.

Kathie who accidentally raised her virtual hand on Zoom, made a $10 donation to the club.

~ Today’s Program: Oregon Space Camp Adventure (Tim Rosener and Dan Tilson) ~

Dan Tilson taught in Roseburg for 30 years and took students to Space Camp. The Mission of Oregon Space Camp Adventures is to get students involved in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Students often return from Space Camp with different views on education, some telling parents that they must go to college, others changing their educational program to focus on science and math. Since 1995 Tilson took over 400 students from Roseburg and the Portland area to Space Camp.

~ Why Space Camp? ~

The Space Camp experience improves problem–solving skills. Students are  placed in teams at camp and work collaboratively to solve problems. Students who don’t know each other work together and learn the value of teamwork. The Space Camp experience challenges students’ limits e.g., three students are strapped together with a short tether and work together to bring all students to the top of a climbing wall.

~ Where is Space Camp? ~

Space Camp is housed at the US Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama. The facility boasts the largest collection of space materials anywhere in the world including an original space shuttle, a full-size model of a Saturn V Rocket and a lunar lander. Home to Dr. Wernher von Braun and the German rocket team that built the Saturn V moon rocket, Huntsville played a prominent role in putting man on the moon.

~ Who Attends Space Camp? ~

Students of all ages attend Space Camp (elementary school), Space Academy (middle school) and Advanced Space Academy (high school). Advanced Space Academy offers scuba diving as a simulation demonstrating one way astronauts train today.

~ Does Anyone from Space Camp Actually Go into Space? ~

Currently, 12 Space Camp graduates are astronauts. Each Space Camp session is visited by an actual astronaut. Recently, astronaut Peggy Whitson visited Space Camp. On September 2, 2017 Whitson set the record (665 days) for most cumulative days living and working in space by a NASA astronaut.

~ What are Results of Attendance in Space Camp? ~

96% of attendees experienced an increased interest in STEM.

64% of attendees took more classes in STEM

61% of attendees study careers in engineering, aerospace, defense, energy, education, biotech or technology.

50% of attendees said the Space Camp experience inspired their decision to enter a STEM field.

~ How to Register for Space Camp ~

Students who wish to attend Space Camp must complete an application. Cost of the camp is estimated at $2,000 for summer 2021. This amount pays airfare, bus fare, camp tuition and chaperone costs. Scholarship applications are based on the Space Camp Scholarship Application and take time to complete. In addition to responding to questions on the application, students must write an essay and design a mission patch.

The Rotary Club of Sherwood recently made a $2,000 donation to host a student at Space Camp. The Rotary Club of Sherwood committed to providing an additional scholarship this year.

~ Next Week’s Program ~

Rotary District 5100 Governor Jo Crenshaw is our speaker. The Rotary Club of Newberg is one of the first Rotary Club’s in District 5100 to hear Jo’s message. When Jo is not running McDonald’s stores, she enjoys spending time with her husband, John, two sons, and five grandchildren. She served the Oregon City Rotary Club as President in 2000-2001. Jo chaired their successful Texas Hold’em fundraiser for several years and now serves on the International Service Committee. Jo enjoys travel and is working on her “bucket list” that includes visiting all continents of the world. As part of that list, Jo participated in a Rotary Friendship Exchange to South Africa.

Check your e-mails for Mike Caruso’s Zoom meeting access information.

~ Respectfully submitted, Rick Kaufman, Newsletter Editor ~

~ Wisdom ~

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking.”
~ Steve Jobs

~ Trivia ~

~ If you could follow a drop of water from the very start of the Mississippi River to where it empties into the Gulf of Mexico, all 2,340 miles… would take 90 days from one end to the other! ~

~ “Sahara” comes from the Arabic ṣaḥrāʾ, which means “desert” — so saying “Sahara desert” is essentially saying “desert desert.” ~

~ Humor ~

~ I told my suitcases that there will be no vacation this year. 

Now I’m dealing with emotional baggage. ~

~ Some day I’ll start behaving myself…..maybe tomorrow… ~

~ Does anyone know which page in the Bible explains how to turn water into wine?  

……asking for a friend. ~