| Newberg Rotary Foundation
The purpose of the Newberg Rotary Foundation (NRF) is to promote and encourage the health, education, and general welfare of youth, principally in Newberg & local area.
Rotary Scholarships
Up to $50,000.00 per year is awarded to area students by the Rotary Club of Newberg through the NRF. These scholarships are awarded to outstanding students to help defray the cost of the first year of post high school education.
Contact your local high school college/career counseling office for additional information regarding Rotary Scholarships.
Click here to learn more about our scholarship offerings.
The NRF gives monetary assistance to youth-related projects, activities, and services in the Newberg area. Money is raised primarily by the Rotary Club of Newberg through its annual auction, contributions, and established Endowment Fund.
The NRF is a nonprofit organization separate from the Newberg Rotary Club(s). As a IRC-Sec. 501(c)(3) organization, all contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible, including fines contributed at club meetings.
The Foundation is chartered to accept cash gifts, real and personal property, securities, and life insurances. The Endowment Fund has grown through such gifts and through bequests in compliance with the instruction of the donor within the limitations of the objectives of the NRF.
Youth Needs That Have Been Funded
The NRF has funded a wide variety of youth activities, projects, and services. Rotary Student Exchange, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, FFA, Youth Athletics, Youth Choir, Habitat for Humanity, Youth Camps, Police Youth Activities, Park & Recreation Youth Scholarships, Grad Night, NHS Robotics, Children’s Library, SMART, Peace Village, Special Olympics, Resource Center, Community Wellness, and school district needs programs and support for Resource Rooms are examples of funding by the NRF. Some large building projects, such as the Newberg High School grandstand, Youth Skate Park, and Rotary Park, have also received funding from the Foundation.
Application Process
The NRF Funding Request Application Form can be found and submitted online (see form below), submitted to any Newberg Rotary Foundation Board Member, or mailed directly to: Auggie Gonzales c/o Newberg Urgent Care 2880 Hayes Street Newberg, Oregon 97132.