~ Newberg Noon Rotary Club Newsletter ~
Rotary Club of Newberg, Zoom Meeting
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
~ Zoom Meeting Participants ~
Shannon B, Mike, Dan, Debby, Auggie, Tony, Gene, Ralph, Sean, Denise, Amber, Larry, Rachel, Lisa, Judy, Laura, Brandy, Paula, Kathie, Patrick, Geoff, Paul, Walter, Julie, Shannon K, Paula, Joe, Matt, Lynn, Doug, Stan, Christy.
~ Call to Order ~
President Shannon Buckmaster welcomed Rotarians and Friends of Rotary to the Zoom meeting at 12:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 9, 2020. The Rotarians split out into breakout groups to start the meeting.
~ Flag Salute ~
Gene lead participants in the Pledge of Allegiance.
~ 4 Way Test ~
Walter lead participants in the recital of the 4 Way Test:
Rotary’s Four Way Test of the things we think, say and do:
#1 – Is it the TRUTH?
#2 – Is it FAIR to all concerned?
#4 – Is it BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
~ Announcements ~
Early Birds Christmas Auction: The Early Birds Rotary Club of Newberg is having their Virtual Christmas Auction through December 10.
~ Guests ~
No Guests Today
~ The Rotary Duck ~
Shannon B: Shout out to everyone wearing festive Christmas Attire, and showed off her fabulous Gingerbread man socks.
Mike: Shared a message from Natalie Verdyan, about a dedication ceremony for the installation of the first Peace Poles in Russia! The President of the Moscow Rotary Club has a goal to add more peace poles and Peace Builders Clubs in Russia over the next year. Additionally Mike mentioned that the Newberg Peace Committee is in dire need of members. The time commitment will be typically a few hours a month and help will be appreciated. Currently Mike and Larry are heading the peace efforts for our club. Email Mike if interested in helping out.
Kathie: Noted that the Salvation Army is still in need to volunteers to be Bell Ringers. Additionally, First Federal is doing a Virtual Blanket Drive whereby they are soliciting donations through Amazon. You can CLICK HERE to go to the Amazon Wish list, purchase blankets, and have them shipped directly to YCAP. You can get more information at First Federal Yamhill County’s Facebook page.
Patrick: Patrick bragged on his amazing, hardworking staff in Nepal. They are doing their first 2 RMR trainings with 25 participants each for doctor training. Their goal has been to make the system sustainable and have been making big strides to making that goal. Thanks to participation and buy in from the Government in Nepal and the volunteers, the EMS effort has gone very well and will continue to advance in coming years.
Auggie: Gave a shout out to Tony, who has done so many good contributions to the communities including Dictionary Distribution Projects and Thanksgiving Turkey Drives, and gave condolences to his having to close down the Newberg Excel Fitness location.
Tony: Thanked Auggie and the community for support over their 20 years in business.
Shannon B: Gave appreciation for the great work hes done as a community member but also as a great and generous business owner, who treated his customers and teammembers amazingly.
Lisa: Thanked Tony as well as she was a member of the club and made a lot of valuable friendships there.
Rachel: We will be doing their annual diaper drive this year for A Family Place. This year the donations are even more important resulting from economic struggles. You can even order and have them shipped right to Crones Appliance.
Auggie: Auggie continued his presentation of each of the 9 Rotary Quilt Squares, which he used as his virtual background.
Total Collected today for the Duck: $90
~ Today’s Program: Sean Andres: Updates From the Chehalem Cultural Center ~
Currently, due to Covid, the Chehalem Cultural Center is closed, but does have exhibits and you CAN make an appointment to come visit and see the exhibits by calling the front desk and making arrangements. There are currently 3 exhibits and this is a great way to safely get out of the house and experience art locally.
There have been many successful projects over the last decade transforming what used to be known as Central School, a building built in 1935, into the now Chehalem Cultural Center. The Parks and Rec District was effectively donated the property by the School District after they closed down Central School. The first completed phase of the building included art galleries, classrooms, glass and ceramics studios, ad meeting and office space. Phase Two included the ballroom, black box theater, and culinary center. Currently, the Center looks forward to Phase Three: renovating the upstairs to include a theatre, movement studio, and 250-seat Lajoie theatre.
The Lajoie Theatre is named after Merlin and Sandy Lajoie, local philanthropists whose family owned Newberg Garbage back in the day, and they made a generous donation towards the project due to their love of art and theater. The goal is to complete and officially open the theatre in Spring of 2023. This is the last large public space left to renovate in the CCC. The idea is for it to be a real community space where different production companies can utilize it to bring performance art to the community. They are not looking to be a theatre company, but provide space for established theatre companies to use. Additionally, this phase will include a lobby remodel, green rooms, and backstage areas. The total project is estimated to cost approximately $5 million, half of which they have already secured, while they are also hoping to significant government funding, which has seen widespread support from local and state politicians, as well as various private donations and grants. Any and all donations are appreciated towards this project. You can talk to Sean about what opportunities there are even seat sponsorships which includes getting custom engravings with your name or someone you want to honor onto the backs of the seats in perpetuity for a donation of $2,500. Sean also said that he is soliciting ideas for what their first shows should be in 2023.
Sean also shared some insight on the significant positive economic impacts that this project will bring to the CCC as well as to the community. The project will create 17 full time jobs and will bring in a lot of tourism to the town which boosts businesses locally, including working hand in hand with the already thriving (sans COVID affects of course) hospitality and wine industries.
~ Next Week’s Program: Larry Strober’s Classification Talk ~
Check your e-mails for Mike Caruso’s Zoom meeting access information.
~ Joke of the Day ~
Dan Keuler Original:
Q: What did the Accountant do when he joined the Circus?
A: A Balancing Act!
~ Happy Quotes! ~
“Go out into the World and share Joy, not Germs.”
– Shared by Shannon Buckmaster at the end of the meeting
~ Published 12/14/2020: Dan Keuler, Newsletter Editor ~