~ Newberg Noon Rotary Club Newsletter ~

Rotary Club of Newberg, Zoom Meeting

Wednesday, August 17, 2022


~ Call to Order ~

Club President Becky Ankeny welcomed Rotarians and Friends of Rotary to the Hybrid Live/Zoom meeting at 12:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 17, 2022 at the Chehalem Cultural Center.


~ Flag Salute ~

Ralph lead participants in the Pledge of Allegiance.


~ 4 Way Test ~

Dan K lead participants in the recital of the 4 Way Test:

Rotary’s Four Way Test of the things we think, say and do:

#1 – Is it the TRUTH?

#2 – Is it FAIR to all concerned?


#4 – Is it BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


~ Announcements ~

Auction Committee – We are now less than 3 months away and A LOT of planning goes into this project.  So please consider joining the committee and helping the team build an amazing Auction.  The Committee plans to be available meet after the club meetings to discuss progress.  Please see Michelle and sign up to help out in some way.  Also now is a good time to begin finding procurements (let Dan K know if you have any relevant connections you plan to reach out to).  Every meeting will include opportunities to check in about the auction, sign up for a role, and hear updates from the Co-Chairs.

  • The Event:  The auction will be October 28, 2022 (SAVE THE DATE) at the Chehalem Cultural Center.
  • The Theme: This is our 50th Annual Auction, so the Committee has chosen the 1950’s for the theme.
  • Dan K’s GOLDEN TICKET CHALLENGE:  Dan K Will be buying the very first of 100 Golden Tickets for Sale for $100.  Any Rotarian who either contributes an auction item themselves or procures an item from a friend, family, or business will need to let Dan K know and their name will be entered into a drawing to WIN THAT GOLDEN TICKET!  Remember, up to 100 Golden Tickets will be sold, and at the Auction, one ticket will be drawn and the owner of that ticket gets to select ANY of our amazing and quite valuable Live Auction items.  The sale of these tickets are the portion of the Auction that supports Club Activity.  You do not need to be at the event to win.

Pancake Breakfast Wrap up – Please bring yard signs to the Club meetings to return them.  We re-use them each year.  Also please complete the survey for the Pancake Committee: Click here for that Survey.

Early Birds Announcement – Tom Tesmer visited us from the Early Birds Club and invited us all to join them for SummerFest (formerly OctoberFest).  There will be Beer, Cider, Wine, Food, Dancing, dog shows, Etc.  There will be Entertainers with Jugglers, Fire Hoopers, etc. and will be great for Families.  Please come and tell your friends about it.


~ Guests ~

Jan Polendy, Guest

Josh Duder, Guest

Tom Tesmer, Guest, Early Birds Rotarian

~ The Rotary Duck ~

Ralph: Shared that his TIA condition was temporary.  Thanks to all for their prayers.

Auggie: Shared about the time he bought his wife a golden ticket and while she was asking him why he bought her one, it was selected and they won a trip to Costa Rica.

Denise: Noted that the Interact Club completed their second pet immunization event at the Grange.  They served 86 families, totally 111 pets.  A lot of non-profits reached out to lend a hand.  Homeward Bound Pets, the Newberg Animal Shelter, and Orphan Kitten Rescue of Oregon all showed up with volunteers and supplies.  They have a Vet, a Vet Tech, and so many happy people and pets.  The Grange reached out to invite them to help keep this type of event going every year.  Denise encouraged us to consider hosting other events there.

Becky: Shared that it was her daughter just turned 38, and noted that her daughter, as a child, received the Polio Vaccine for which Becky is grateful.

Michelle: Shared her daughter is turning 33.  She also noted that since our access to Square is down, people can write a check to the Club for their $44 owed for the Pancake Breakfast.

Auggie: Announced that he learned at the Greeters Event at the Chamber that the Newberg High School Boosters are hosting a Golf Tournament and are looking for Golfers.  You can also participate in their Cornhole Tournament if you are not a golfer.

Walter: Thanked an unnamed Rotarian who sent a lovely bouquet of flowers for Julie Want.

DAN K PROCUREMENT UPDATE!!!:  Big Thank You to the following who have donated an item/package to the auction

  • CREAM Northwest will be donating Ice Cream Certificates
  • VISTA Balloons will donate two tickets for a group flight in a hot air balloon
  • The Chehalem Cultural Center will donate a gift certificate to CCC events/classes

Jim: Shared that they found evidence of Polio in New York.  We need to keep working hard to end Polio because it is a terrible disease.

Ralph: Shared that his TIA was really painful.  He had excellent care and the TIA went away within 24 hours with treatment.  His lovely wife called 911 while they were in California.  He was unable to speak during that first 24 hours and is happy to have fully recovered.

Michelle: September 7 will be a special Club Meeting to celebrate the first day of school with a Trivia Day!  Bring some school supplies as an admission for this fun trivia game.

~ Today’s Program: Nurture Newberg with Denise Bacon ~

Denise Bacon is an amazing Rotarian, a Ford Foundation Field Coordinator, A Newberg City Councilor, and now a leading volunteer for Nurture Newberg.  Nurture Newberg really began about 7 years ago following a series of local suicides.  At that time, they had a meeting with Tony Bigland, who wrote the book The Nurture Effect.  Denise read that book and realized it was an important piece of the puzzle.  And they began getting busy helping people and putting into motion upstream solutions.  Then eventually a new problem surfaced, Newberg was in the news, and not in a good way.  Both sides of political action were having issues and were weaponizing each other and in social media.  They then created their latest program within Nurture Newberg aimed at bringing people together and hoping to create peace and help people recognize how much good there is in Newberg.

They began by asking Newberg: “What do you want to see more of in Newberg?”.  The results showed that people wanted positives, and cooperation, and peace.  Other things they learned is that there is a tendency for a distrust of Government, that people give time and money to things they believe in, that they love their neighbors, and that they want the best for each other.  They wanted a public way for people to express and share the positives they see.  That is their “stop and report” effort to report good behavior (modeled after the good behavior game that is taught in schools which seeks to teach that you can be rewarded when you are good.  Being Kind and being Angry have opposite long term health effects.  She also noted that when we are being bullys or expressing anger, our kids are picking up on this and spreading it.

Denise had a tent at the Old Fashioned Festival for Nurture Newberg.  She also noted that others are doing similar efforts like Dan R’s Podcast.

You can still fill out their survey, you can share about good things on their website or facebook page, or join one of their sessions (see website or talk to Denise for more Details).

For more information about Nurture Newberg, how to particpate, or to ask questions visit their webpage at https://nurturenewberg.org/.

Check your e-mails for Zoom meeting access information, special announcements, and newsletter release notifications.

~ Joke of the Day ~

I got hooked on auctions after going once… Going Twice…

~ Happy Quotes! ~

“Being angry is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.”

Denise shared this quote at the meeting

~ Published 8/23/2022: Dan Keuler, Newsletter Editor ~