Here’s what went on this week.

We spent some time today talking about the Auction, which is just a couple months away on March 18th.  Chair Denise Bacon 2017 rotary auction flyershared some of the fun items such as helicopter wine tours, VIP table at the Pancake Breakfast and many more great items.   Now it’s up to you to come up with more items!   We passed out the list of ideas and you’ll see that list in your email again.    If each Rotarian comes up with at least 2 items we’ll have a great auction.

Also, on the main page of this web site you can buy your tickets for the auction and your Golden Ticket.  For the newer members, a Golden Ticket at $100 gives you a 1 in 100 chance to win your pick from the items in the auction.   This can be a trip or jewelry or even a BBQ for 50 of your best friends.    You’ll know more what those options could be in the next few weeks.   A 1 in 100 chance is pretty good odds.

And for dinner, be sure and sign up for yourself, invite your friends.   Again you can buy your tickets online or at a club meeting.

Our program today was Rob Lewis from Anvil Academy.   Rob is an experienced wood worker and has worked at Oregon Arts and Crafts. Rob Lewis Anvil Academy Presenter 012517 He’s developed a program here in Newberg (in Rotarian Jeff Lane’s former Newberg Steel site on Main between Hancock and First St.) to share  the craft and discipline of building things and working with ones hands.  His goal is to work with young people and give them skills and to feel like they can succeed.  He shared the story of one young man having difficulty in school who hardly said a word to anyone, but he was learning skills at the Academy.  One day he was outside using the anvil and someone walked by and asked him what he was doing.  Instead of not being silent, he started talking and shared what he was doing with this stranger.  He had gained confidence and was proud of what he was doing and it allowed him to speak up for himself.   Rob is working with the schools and has a  program with CS Lewis Academy to provide their industrial arts classes.   He also shared some of the ideas for classes for kids and adults as well.  And we may have an auction item where you could bid to have your family ride in a stage coach in a parade this summer.   How fun would that be, especially for children or grandchildren!

Suzanne was off today, so this was my effort.  I’ll be glad when Suzanne comes back ;-)   Leah Griffith