Newberg Noon Rotary Club Newsletter for June 10, 2020

Thanks, Mike C., for the Zoom access!

Paula provided meeting notes,

and Auggie……….the photos!

Today’s Zoom meeting participants….pictorially…


~ Rotary Club of Newberg Zoom Meeting ~

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

~ Call to Order ~

President Corey Zielsdorf welcomed Rotarians and Friends of Rotary to the Rotary Club of Newberg Zoom meeting at 12:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 10, 2020.

~ Rotarians and Friends of Rotary ~ 

Zoom meeting participants: Mike, Corey, Laura, Paula, Gene, Denise, Julie, Walter, Dan, Brandy, Paul, Todd, Shannon B., Shannon K., Lynn, Matt, Auggie, Michelle, Ann, Om, Joe, Stan, Judy.

~ Flag Salute ~

Walter Want lead Rotarians in the flag salute.

~ Rotary Guests ~

Rick Rogers, Mayor, City of Newberg

Dan Weinheimer, City Manager, City of Newberg

Larry Strober, Assistant Governor, McMinnville Sunrise Rotary Club

~ Rotary Moments ~

Brandy thanked Judy Robinson who began the tradition of sashes for Newberg High School Interact graduating seniors.

Laura saw “Rotary in Action” through multiple contacts with Rotarians who assisted Laura in completing work on Global Grants.

Mike announced the virtual June 27, 2020 Rotary Peace Conference. Rotary Peace Fellows from throughout the world are participating and leading the conference. Peace Fellows will discuss projects in Africa, the Middle East, Australia, Oceania, United States and Europe. Mike will send information to Rotarians.

~ Rotary News ~

Denise reports that today was a “hard day” as it was the last Interact Club Zoom meeting of the year. Once the COVID virus became a reality, the Interact Club met via Zoom weekly. Judy, Brandy and Denise check in with students. Some Interact students will work with Denise this summer on a special project that looks at abused children who do not have access to adults for support etc.

Lynn: The deadline for submitting Rotary scholarship applications was extended to the end of last week. Lynn reports the Scholarship Committee received over 90 scholarship applications—twice the number of applications as last year. Lynn and her Scholarship Committee are excited to move forward. If Rotarians can assist in reading scholarship applications, please contact Lynn at [email protected].

Joe: The Newberg School District’s Food Service tally of meals served is more than 123,000 meals. There will be small break before the school district begins its summer feeding program.

Brandy gave a “shout out” to Joe for his well-written concise letter about the school district’s position regarding protests and alliance with Black Lives Matter. The Newberg School District Board of Directors observed 8 minutes and 45 seconds of silence in memory of George Floyd at their recent Board meeting.

Judy thanked The Rotary Club of Newberg and the Club’s Foundation that provide district assistance to students. The Newberg High School Interact Club met recently to complete installation of a community garden at Providence Newberg Medical Center. Gardens are planted and available for community access. The garden is located north of Providence Drive.

Today’s Program: Update Re: The City of Newberg

Dan Weinheimer, Newberg City Manager

Dan previously worked in California and Colorado. He arrived in Newberg immediately prior to the COVID lockdown, therefore, many of his community interactions have been virtual. Dan hopes to meet the community in person. He wants to learn the culture of the city.

The community goal of diversity, equity and inclusion will be discussed with the Newberg City Council in the next few weeks.

Dan described his goals for the city:

  1. Increase communication with information posted on the city’s website and within our community.

Dan noted that the city provided a factual resource on COVID.

  1. Improve consistency by applying rules and procedures as written.
  1. Try to understand our customer consumer culture.

The city is in the process of reopening and providing public access to facilities in a safe, physically distanced way. The city recreated flow to one way and socially distanced.

The library reopened with limited and altered hours. About half the number of patrons as on a “normal” day arrived. Staff and patrons are asked to wear masks. Plastic shields were installed to protect staff and provide a buffer. Library aisles are one way in and out. Use of the library’s online systems is encouraged. Library hours are 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.

City Hall remained open throughout the lockdown with some areas blocked off with some plastic. The city anticipates additional foot traffic and provided guidance to staff to wear masks. The goal is to provide a high level of service while preserving the health and safety of staff and public.

The City of Newberg participated in the Business Emergency Relief Grant. Grant amounts were $2,500 each. Grants provided relief for mortgage or rent payments for 62 local businesses.

Dan encouraged homeowners and local business to support the challenge of submitting utility receipts for rebates. $419,963 in receipts was submitted that resulted in $145,000 in relief to utility accounts. 17,000 utility credits were donated.

The City of Newberg created a Google community calendar hoping to focus on events and bring people to downtown Newberg.

Some local restaurants are struggling with space. The city is trying to help restaurants find additional space by using alleyways and/or vacant lots.

The closure of College Street on Wednesdays is to support the local Farmers Market. If the market is successful in drawing people to downtown Newberg, there is a greater chance patrons will stay and visit local businesses.

Mayor Rick Rogers

Monday, June 15th a hearing will be held regarding Elliott Street road improvements from 99W to Newberg High School. Rick anticipates a “fair amount” of public comment.

A community group is meeting regarding the creation of public art space in the city.

An inventory of economic opportunity spaces is in process. Historically, the city lacked space for industrial and high-density residential dwellings.

The tragic death of George Floyd pointed to implicit bias and institutional racism. The city will begin a discussion on the topic. George Fox University expressed interest in participating.

Newberg Rotarians Gene Piros and Denise Bacon are also Newberg City Councilors. Denise is up for reelection in November. Gene has chosen not to run for office. The city is seeking candidates for Gene’s District 5 position (East of Hess Creek and North of 99W.) If you are interested in serving as a councilor and live in District 5 contact Sue Lyon at the City. The District 1 Council position is also open.

There are opportunities to serve on the Citizen Rate Review Committee and the Newberg Planning Commission. Please contact Sue Lyon.

Rick participates in a weekly call with community partners. Partners share best practices and suggestions. If you have suggestions contact Rick Rogers: [email protected]

While we, as Rotarians, CONNECT the WORLD….bear in mind…..

The Four-Way Test of Rotary of the things we think, say or do…

First – Is it the TRUTH?

Second – Is it FAIR to all concerned?


Fourth – Is it BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

“The test is one of the hallmarks of Rotary. Since it was developed in 1932 by Herbert J. Taylor, who later became RI president, it has never ceased to be relevant. Its four brief questions are not based on culture or religion. Instead, they are a simple checklist for ethical behavior. They transcend generations and national borders.”

~ Respectfully submitted, Rick Kaufman, Newsletter Editor ~

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”    ~ Wayne Gretzky


“Lead me not into temptation…Oh, who am I kidding….follow me, I know a  shortcut….”

On May 4, Saskatchewan residents can meet up with ten other people….Said Saskatchewan residents…”Where are we going to find ten other people?”

For the second part of this quarantine do we have to stay with the same family or can we be relocated?….just asking for a friend….”