~ Newberg Noon Rotary Club Newsletter ~
Rotary Club of Newberg, Zoom Meeting
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
~ Call to Order ~
Club President Becky Ankeny welcomed Rotarians and Friends of Rotary to the Hybrid Live/Zoom meeting at 12:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 27, 2022 at the Chehalem Cultural Center.
~ Flag Salute ~
Doug lead participants in the Pledge of Allegiance.
~ 4 Way Test ~
Michael S lead participants in the recital of the 4 Way Test:
Rotary’s Four Way Test of the things we think, say and do:
#1 – Is it the TRUTH?
#2 – Is it FAIR to all concerned?
#4 – Is it BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
~ Announcements ~
Community Announcement – The Sherwood Wine Festival, put on by the Rotary Club of Sherwood, will take place on August 5 & 6. You need to purchase tickets to this event. There is an Exclusive Winemaker’s Dinner on Aug 5 from 4pm to 8pm. The Wine tasting Festival is Aug 6 from 12pm to 7pm.
Auction Committee – Next week will be the first Auction Committee Meeting after the Lunch meeting (1pm). We are now only 3 months away and A LOT of planning goes into this project. So please consider joining the committee and helping the team build an amazing Auction.
Voluteers needed for Interact Club Project – Need some Volunteer help for the next Interact Helping Paws Helping People project taking place on August 6th which takes place from 10am to 2pm. The Rotarian will be helping set up and tear down, which is important to meet the needs of the grant.
Pancake Breakfast – THIS WEEKEND! Everyone will be charged and given 4 adult and 4 child tickets, which cost the same as previous years: $7 adult and $4 kids. Aaron has these tickets, you can pick up from Aaron at a future meeting and will also have extras available if you want to pick up at his office at Lewis Audio and Video on 99. For extra tickets, you can buy some online (www.newbergrotary.org/pancakebreakfast) or ask Aaron for paper tickets. NOTE: WE NEED SOME MORE VOLUNTEERS TO SIGN UP, ESPECIALLY ON SUNDAY!
~ The Rotary Duck ~
Judy: Reminded us about last year’s Kenya Schools project that was organized by the Interact Club. They took it over from the Seaside Club. It was a fundraising project where we collected money to donate to the Rise to Shine Foundation, in which teenagers in Kenya are provided an opportunity to attend high school, which is not an opportunity inherently provided in Kenya. The Seaside club funded 52 students for their first year of high school, and our Interact and Noon Rotary Club decided to work to fund all 52 kids for all 4 years fo high school. Last year we even were able to fund extra students AND have $4,000 in funds that were donated after the grant finished. This year will be the 3rd year for these students and we wanted to start off by donating today’s Duck money to this project.
The Club then essentially participated in a paddle-raise type effort, ultimately raising a Grand Total of $1,686. Thank you to everyone who has helped support and spread the word for this project.
~ Today’s Program: Classification Talk with Grant Gerke ~
Grant Gerke recently rejoined our club after a couple years hiatus. In fact, he noted that this is his 4th classification talk, as a result of his different clubs he has joined over the years. Additionally, he is a Past President of our club having served as President during our club’s 75th Anniversary in 2011-12, while his father served as President of our Club for it’s 50th anniversary in 1985-86.
He noted that his family is the most important thing in his life. He married his college sweetheart and best friend Meryl. They have now been married for 35 years and together 39, having met at George Fox. After graduating and finding employment, they got engaged. They have 2 kids, a daughter Morgan who went to Linfield and married HER college sweetheart, Linfield’s top football player at the time. She works for a national recruiting firm. They also have a son who went to Oregon State and was involved in their football program doing video editing. He had an NFL internship and even received an offer to work for the Detroit Lions, but ultimately accepted a job working for the University of Nebraska, making Grant an official fan. They also have 2 Poodles.
Grant’s hobbies includes cooking, grilling, hunting, and playing Hockey, which he decided to pick up at the age of 40.
Grant grew up in Newberg on 9th street, attending K-12 in Newberg and ultimately attending and playing baseball at GFU before transferring to U Washington, resulting in his becoming a huge Huskies Football fan, before transferring back to GFU. After school he got a job in Medford, then moved to Seattle, Spokane before leaving his job and moving back to Oregon and getting hired by Adec where he was a director and then VP of Sales for 12 years before being recruited by Patterson Dental in Minnesota to be their VP of Sales for 3 and a half years before moving back to Oregon in St Paul. Joanne Austin convinced him to come back to Adec upon his return to Oregon where he stayed for 8 more years. He then got laid off following a restructuring and began his own Dental Brokerage business until joining DCI in Newberg as their VP of Sales.
Grant has played a huge part in our club over the years and we are very excited he is back!
Check your e-mails for Zoom meeting access information, special announcements, and newsletter release notifications.
~ Joke of the Day ~
When a clock is extra hungry, it goes back four seconds.
~ Happy Quotes! ~
“When one is at home, he dreams of adventure; and when one is on an adventure, he dreams of home.”
– Thornton Wilder
~ Published 8/2/2022: Dan Keuler, Newsletter Editor ~