~ Newberg Noon Rotary Club Newsletter ~

Rotary Club of Newberg, Zoom Meeting

Wednesday, July 20, 2022


~ Call to Order ~

Club President Becky Ankeny welcomed Rotarians and Friends of Rotary to the Hybrid Live/Zoom meeting at 12:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 20, 2022 at the Chehalem Cultural Center.


~ Flag Salute ~

Grant G lead participants in the Pledge of Allegiance.


~ 4 Way Test ~

Amber lead participants in the recital of the 4 Way Test:

Rotary’s Four Way Test of the things we think, say and do:

#1 – Is it the TRUTH?

#2 – Is it FAIR to all concerned?


#4 – Is it BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


~ Announcements ~

Community Announcement – The Sherwood Wine Festival, put on by the Rotary Club of Sherwood, will take place on August 5 & 6.  You need to purchase tickets to this event.  There is an Exclusive Winemaker’s Dinner on Aug 5 from 4pm to 8pm.  The Wine tasting Festival is Aug 6 from 12pm to 7pm.

Newberg Rotary Sponsors Tunes on Tuesday – Tunes on Tuesday has started up.  It is an amazing, fun, free event outside of the Chehalem Cultural Center every Tuesday from July 5 to August 23rd.  The Noon and Early Bird clubs are the official sponsors for the July 26 show.  There are a lot of different types of music throughout this year’s series.  Volunteers are needed for this event.  Gates open at 5:30pm and the Music starts 6:30pm.  For more information check out their website http://www.tunesontuesday.com/ or look up their Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/tunesontuesday.  Volunteers looking to help set up need to show up early at around 4PM.

Voluteers needed for Interact Club Project – Need some Volunteer help for the next Interact Helping Paws Helping People project taking place on August 6th which takes place from 10am to 2pm.  The Rotarian will be helping set up and tear down, which is important to meet the needs of the grant.

Pancake Breakfast – Note that tickets are now available.  Everyone will be charged and given 4 adult and 4 child tickets, which cost the same as previous years: $7 adult and $4 kids.  Aaron has these tickets, you can pick up from Aaron at a future meeting and will also have extras available if you want to pick up at his office at Lewis Audio and Video on 99.  For extra tickets, you can buy some online (www.newbergrotary.org/pancakebreakfast) or ask Aaron for paper tickets.  NOTE: WE NEED SOME MORE VOLUNTEERS TO SIGN UP, ESPECIALLY ON SUNDAY!


~ Guests ~

Jan Polendy, Guest

Josh Duder, Guest

Dave Henderson, Guest Speaker

~ The Rotary Duck ~

Wendy: Shared that she will not be able to make it to the Pancake Breakfast as she will be heading home to visit family in Canada.  She hasn’t been back for over 3 years.

Scott: Noted that he just celebrated his 49th birthday and also celebrated his Wife’s good health.

Walter: Told us a story about how he had 14 bee hives and how he pulled a great bee related prank on his neighbor. 

Rick: Shared that the Car Show from the Forest Grove Rotary Club was amazing.  It featured over 300 cars and is considered one of the best shows in the world.  He was there to present awards and noted that the crowd was very big and the event was a huge success.

Becky: Attended the Car Show and loved it.  The cars were beautiful and the first car she got behind the wheel of was a Rambler.  She was most impressed with cars owned by single owners for 50 years and was amazed at the amazing condition of the cars.  

Jim: Shared that he has been out for the last month and a half and was traveling America and Europe.  He was taken aback by some of the huge wildfire damage that has recently happened.  Overall his trip was great.

Grant G: Noted that his son was home for 2 weeks.  His son now lives in Nebraska and works for the Nebraska Football team and Grant is now a big fan.  The first game of the season will be Saturday, Aug 27th against Northwestern, which will take place in Dublin, Ireland, and Grant will be traveling to see that game and visit Ireland.

Shannon B: Announced that she had taken a few weeks off, where she moved into a new house.  She also visited Las Vegas where she skated in Roller Derby.  She is now officially a referee and a team skater.  She also, at the convention, was a team captain in a dodgeball tournament that was a lot of fun (they also won!).  Also she had her first day at her new job as the Development Director for the Community Wellness Fund at Yamhill Community Care, out of McMinnville.  She is also now a top ranked roller derby official and starting her PhD.  Congrats!

Karen/Rick/Grant: Expressed how important it is for us to continue the effort to eradicate Polio.  They discussed how prevalent it used to be, how amazing Rotary and others’ work has been to spread vaccinations in an effort to eradicate the disease and end the suffering it causes.  They also mentioned that until it is fully gone and dealt with, it CAN make a comeback.   Thanks to all who donate to this cause.

~ Today’s Program: Introduction to Bee Keeping with Dave Henderson ~

Dave Henderson is a local bee keeper.  He pointed out that there really is too much to cover in 30 minutes about bee keeping, so he kept it simple and told us about his experiences.  About 5 years ago, after having entered retirement, his neighbor stopped by and talked to him about possibly keeping bees.  He said he knew nothing about it but decided to go for it.  He simply hung up a swarm box his neighbor made high up in his oak tree and caught a wild swarm within 24 hours.  He had to hurry about to get the rest of the equipment needed.  He soon after built a cold box but messed up and killed the whole pack of bees because they cannot get wet during winter.  You have to keep bees dry in the winter.  He simply spent a lot of time reading more and more books about bees, learning everything he could about bees and bee keeping.

Why keep bees?  It is fun, it is important to maintain the bee population for the balance of our ecosystem, in an environment where bees struggle more and more each year.   You can keep them anywhere, and there is a lot of very pure honey.  He noted how much of the honey we buy at the store is not natural honey, but synthetic honey that is not as healthy or tasty.

He explained that there are 3 types of bees:  The Queen, the drones (males), and the worker bees (the females).  The queen lays eggs, the drones just inseminate the queen, and the worker bees travel to collect pollen, etc.  You can catch a wild swarm or buy them.

You need to buy enough equipment:  A suit, a smoker, the hive equipment shown above, and some minor additional supplies and equip.


Check your e-mails for Zoom meeting access information, special announcements, and newsletter release notifications.

~ Joke of the Day ~

Q: What does a bee use to style it’s hair?

A: A Honey Comb.

~ Happy Quotes! ~

“What does not benefit the hive is benefit to the bee.”

– Marcus Aurelious

~ Published 7/27/2022: Dan Keuler, Newsletter Editor ~