~ Newberg Noon Rotary Club Newsletter ~
Rotary Club of Newberg, Zoom Meeting
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
~ Call to Order ~
Club President Becky Ankeny welcomed Rotarians and Friends of Rotary to the Hybrid Live/Zoom meeting at 12:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 31, 2022 at the Chehalem Cultural Center.
~ Flag Salute ~
Laura lead participants in the Pledge of Allegiance.
~ 4 Way Test ~
Doug lead participants in the recital of the 4 Way Test:
Rotary’s Four Way Test of the things we think, say and do:
#1 – Is it the TRUTH?
#2 – Is it FAIR to all concerned?
#4 – Is it BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
~ Announcements ~
NEXT MEETING UPDATE! – Next Meeting, September 7, bring friends, family, etc for Trivia day at Rotary. There will be prizes to win and it will be a lot of fun. The admission is a donation of a school item to be donated to kids in need. The game will be MC’ed by Danny from Social Goods.
Auction Committee – We are now nearly 2 months away and A LOT of planning goes into this project. So please consider joining the committee and helping the team build an amazing Auction. The Committee plans to be available meet after the club meetings to discuss progress. Please see Michelle and sign up to help out in some way. Also now is a good time to begin finding procurements (let Dan K know if you have any relevant connections you plan to reach out to). Every meeting will include opportunities to check in about the auction, sign up for a role, and hear updates from the Co-Chairs. Please go out and find auction items! IF you will be contributing something yourself, please connect with Dan and let him know ([email protected]).
- The Event: The auction will be October 28, 2022 (SAVE THE DATE) at the Chehalem Cultural Center.
- The Theme: This is our 50th Annual Auction, so the Committee has chosen the 1950’s for the theme.
- Dan K’s GOLDEN TICKET CHALLENGE: Dan K Will be buying the very first of 100 Golden Tickets for Sale for $100. Any Rotarian who either contributes an auction item themselves or procures an item from a friend, family, or business will need to let Dan K know and their name will be entered into a drawing to WIN THAT GOLDEN TICKET! Remember, up to 100 Golden Tickets will be sold, and at the Auction, one ticket will be drawn and the owner of that ticket gets to select ANY of our amazing and quite valuable Live Auction items. The sale of these tickets are the portion of the Auction that supports Club Activity. You do not need to be at the event to win.
DAN K PROCUREMENT UPDATE!!!: Big Thank You to the following who have donated an item/package to the auction
- Thank You to Laura Tilrico who is donating 2 custom made paintings she painted for this event.
- Thank You to Mike Caruso who is donating 4 high end stained class cabinet doors
- Thank you to The Portland WinterHawks Hockey Club for donating 2 tickets to a WinterHawks Hockey Game.
- Thank you to Rick Kaufman who is donating 2 custom made glass coffee tables.
Welcome Back to our live meetings Laura and Julie!
~ Guests ~
Jan Polendy, Guest
~ The Rotary Duck ~
Rick: Was gifted 2 glass tabletops and then he found some amazing and beautifully twisted wood to make 2 custom coffee tables. He made 2 tables for the auction and he noted that these are worth thousands of dollars each based on the quality and beauty.
Mike: Noted that Labor day weekend is here. He commented about how 15 years ago he was fairly new to Rotary and he was assigned to be in charge of the auction. At that time the auction was losing momentum but Mike pushed members to keep it going. He took a whole program to talk about the auction and pressure everyone into pitching in. He noted that the late John Kerekanich took it over some time after that and completely reinvigorated the auction, turning it into something bigger and more grand.
Laura: Received an email from the Rotary International President saying “In order to live in the Vibrant Society you want, you have to help build it.” This matches how the auction and our community works. Laura will be bringing a sample of some of her work next week to give an idea of her 2 paintings will be donated.
Grant: Had a great 10 day vacation, 5 days in Paris and 5 days in Dublin. He also share about how he chaired the auction for 5 years. HE noted how during his time as chair John Kerekanich really helped him push people to participate and make it a great auction. Grant noted that this is the biggest source of revenue for the great things we do, so it is the most important thing we do for our community.
Lisa: She was inspired to join our club just be hearing from Spike about our activities and our auction, and she encouraged us not to forget to just talk to people about Rotary in hopes that they will join us eventually.
Larry: He plans to convince his friend who lives in Dundee who is a world class stain glass artist to donate something to the auction.
Jan: Will be celebrating her son’s 35th birthday. She noted that she is new but going all in on helping the auction. she joined the auction committee working on wine procurement and has enjoyed learning more about wine and our community.
Julie: She is back after an extended medical time off from the club. She thanked us for all of the prayers and flowers.
Om: Shared how her daughter received the Joann Austin scholarship 3 years ago and now she is in her senior year of college. Her time in Interact club and having received the scholarship helped her self confidence in critical ways. Om also reminded us how important the Golden Tickets are to the Club. Everyone should buy some to support the club.
Paula: Thanked Steve Palmer for his huge efforts leading the Wine procurement efforts. Grant is also working with him closely to take over in the future.
Scott: Today is his one year anniversary with the Chamber. The next CV Vaudeville show will be Sept 30 and Oct 1st at the Blackbox theater. It will be a lot of fun. On Oct 8 they will be putting on an elections forum at GFU. This will be for House Districts 23 and 24, County Commissioners, City Councilors, and Mayoral races. They will also be doing a Child Care Fair at the Cultural Center on Nov 19. Anyone who is involved in any type of child care is invited to come to that. No charge or booth fee. Sponsored by the Austin Family Foundation and First Federal.
Auggie: Noted that he just signed about $20,000 worth of scholarship checks. These are largely paid for by the auction and so we need to work hard to raise more funds.
~ Today’s Program: Classification Talk with Emily Garrick-Steenson ~
Emily Garrick-Steenson is the Marketing and Event Coordinator for A Family Place. Emily described herself in the following ways: a Community Member, a Mother, a Wife, a Daughter, a Fundraiser and an Advocate.
Community member: Emily was born in the old Newberg Hospital and grew up with her 4 siblings on SunnyCrest Rd with lots of animals. She went through Newberg School District K-12 and even spent a lot of time in the building now known as the Chehelem Cultural Center. As a teenager she got involved in community activism. After NHS she went to Portland State University, where she met her husband.
Mother and Wife: Worked in outreach and communication for a very large national non-profit after college. After having her first kid she decided to leave that work to move back to newberg to be able to stay home with her kids, where she took up professional photography. She still does some photography but not as much these days. Her husband Josh is an Organic Farmer and collects watches, cigars, and loves Dad Jokes. Her oldest daughter is Scarlett who is a Senior at NHS and works at Red Hills Market and will be working for CPRD. She is a band kid and loves volunteering at A Family Place. Her son Griffen is her youngest kid. He loves skateboarding, Wrestling, and art.
Daughter and Sister: She is the daughter of Marsha and John Garrick, well known members of the community. They instilled in her a sense of volunteerism. Her sister is Katheryn Olson who is activer in the quaker community and Edwards School. She has 2 other siblings outside of Newberg.
Adventurer: Her and her family LOVE to travel and experience as many fun adventures all over the world.
Professional: When her youngest was beginning elementary school, she began volunteering at Edwards’ Auction. She learned how much she loves fundraising. She took the auction from a spegetti feed to an elevated event raising way more money than ever before. She even helped begin their Resource Room. She then took a job at a Family Place running their marketing and fundraising events. They help kids and families with trauma, education and resources for the families they serve and so much more. Emily will also soon be working with Shannon Knight running the Chehalem Valley Middle School Resource Room.
For more information about A Family Place, how to participate, or to donate reach out to Emily or visit their webpage at https://www.familyplacerelief.org/.
Check your e-mails for Zoom meeting access information, special announcements, and newsletter release notifications.
~ Joke of the Day ~
What do you call an alligator in a vest?
An Investigator.
~ Happy Quotes! ~
“In order to live in the Vibrant Society you want, you have to help build it.”
– a quote Emily gave in her presentation
~ Published 9/5/2022: Dan Keuler, Newsletter Editor ~