~ Newberg Noon Rotary Club Newsletter ~
Rotary Club of Newberg, Zoom Meeting
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
~ Call to Order ~
President Joe Morelock welcomed Rotarians and Friends of Rotary to the Hybrid Live/Zoom meeting at 12:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 13, 2021 at the Chehalem Cultural Center.
~ Flag Salute ~
Walter lead participants in the Pledge of Allegiance.
~ 4 Way Test ~
Wendy lead participants in the recital of the 4 Way Test:
Rotary’s Four Way Test of the things we think, say and do:
#1 – Is it the TRUTH?
#2 – Is it FAIR to all concerned?
#4 – Is it BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
~ Announcements ~
Auction Updates: The Auction will take place on Friday, October 29th, 2021. If you would like to find more opportunities to help out or learn more about the coming auction, reach out to Amy. If you have a great idea for an auction item, get them in soon as the auction date is fast approaching. Paper forms will be available at the meetings if you already have items or packages procured. Also if you would like to give a shout out to donors, you can do so at the Club Meeting and we will post in the Newsletter. That being said, a big thank you goes out to the following who have recently made a contribution to our auction:
The Painted Lady
Thanks again for your generous and exciting donations.
But more importantly: GO ONLINE, REGISTER, AND BUY YOUR TICKETS! www.newbergrotary.org/auction
~ Guests ~
Allen Holstein, Guest, Auction Donor
Travis Toedtemeier, Guest Speaker, Connections NW, Early Bird Rotarian
~ The Rotary Duck ~
Grant: Is very excited about the auction. The great news is that the golden tickets are back and there are only 100 sold. Do not forget to buy these. Also remember to look out for auction item donations. If you need fliers that spell out where the money goes, talk to Grant. This is our biggest fundraiser so make sure to sign up and participate. To date we have sold about 27 Golden tickets, so please go buy some. Also shared that he got to go to Nebraska to watch a football game since his son now works there. He also got to see the Huskies play the Bruins.
Jim: Is back after an absence from being out of town.
Om: Wanted to give a thank you to Al Herriges, who used to be in our club. Om saw him at Greeters and he offered to put an article in the Graphic advertising about our Auction.
Judy: Announced that they have officially succeeded in reaching their $31,200 goal for the Kenya Education Project and we should be able to submit this grant this week. Great job! She gave kudos to Christy for her hours of hard work on this project. Additionally, congrats to the Interact Club and special thanks to individual donors from our club including Mike, Julie, Jeff, Judy, Laura, and more.
Christy: Shout out to Judy for helping make this happen. Pointed out that in year one of this project (last year), 14 clubs contributed to this project. Not all of them committed to come back this year, but we got new clubs to join this year including a Rotaract club and 2 other Interact clubs. Emily is really excited to be able to send 52 students to school in Kenya and hope to cover those students for years 3 and 4.
Joe: What an incredible job that team did to fully fund this project.
Spike: Spike turns 70 on Friday! Happy Birthday!
Dan: Noted that auction season is upon us and he has been hard at work soliciting/procuring a wide variety of different auction items and gave thanks to the Painted Lady who donated a meal (Dan hopes to partner with them to buy the second meal so that the package can be a meal for two. Dan and his wife recently experienced the 7 course tasting dinner and it was an amazing experience: Thanks to the Painted Lady! Also reminded everyone to go out and register and buy your tickets for the auction, as it helps the auction team know how many are attending.
Auggie: Shout out for the auction. He had seen an amazing piece of art and decided to just ask if they would consider donating it, and they did! Awesome!
Walter: Reminded everyone to volunteer when they walk in and meet the greeter. Everyone else should get an opportunity to do the pledge or the 4 way test.
Judy: Also pointed out that her husband is donating a couple of handmade cutting boards and Judy is donating some handmade aprons, designed and made by Judy herself. Thanks Judy!
Brandy: Happy Birthday to Spike! Noted that when she takes her kids to school, she often sees Spike out on a walk, demonstrating healthy habits.
Amy: Celebrating the end of her 24th tax season. She also urged us all to get online ASAP to get tickets so we know who will be online vs in person as well as Golden Tickets. You can buy the Golden tickets at the meeting, online, or just ask and Amy or Dan K who can help do whatever, whenever, and however is needed to help sell you these. To do this online, go to www.newbergrotary.org/auction. She also gave thanks to everyone that came to her office to help wrap up and photograph all of the auction items. There are nearly a dozen trips, awesome wine, and so many other awesome packages.
~ Today’s Program: Connections NW by Travis Toedtemeier ~
Travis Toedtemeier of the Newberg Early Birds Rotary Club presented today on himself and the work he does with Connections NW (previously worked with Alliance Services). He graduated Faith Bible High School and graduated in 2006. He went to college at GFU with a degree in interdisciplinary studies and ultimately went back to school earning a Masters in Business Administration at Liberty University. He has been working in social services over the last 10 years, and is educated/trained in motivational Interviewing, trauma informed care, medication management, Oregon Intervention Services, job developer training, and has volunteered for the Special Olympics. He noted that he loves his work but ultimately the two most important things in his life are Faith and Family. He has a 4 year old son and 2 year old daughter. Otherwise he likes staying active doing basketball, fishing, golfing, camping, etc.
Connections NW: his new company is brand new and only recently officially received its license. It is a certified medicaid agency, does vocational rehab, job readiness and assessments, job development and support job coaching, skill building and training, etc. Their main goal is to find employment for individuals with disabilities in Yamhill County. They currently serve about 25 individuals. They do anything and everything to make sure they have everything they need to get hired, work on their resumes, figure out what their strength and skills are, etc. They partner with many businesses in the community to match these clients up with work they can be good at and really enjoy doing. He wanted to emphasize that there is a negative stigma around individuals with disabilities and many employers dont realize that these workers can do a great job. Essentially this business really holds their hand through the professional experience to make sure it goes well. Also he wanted to point out that there is no cost to the employer for the work done by Connections NW, as they are funded through Medicaid. To learn more, you can reach out to Travis.
~ Next Week’s Program: Violence Against Women Grant with the Honorable Judge Najla Ayoubi ~
Check your e-mails for Mike Caruso’s Zoom meeting access information.
~ Joke of the Day ~
“When you clean a vacuum cleaner, you BECOME the vacuum cleaner.”
~ Happy Quotes! ~
“Don’t stop until you’re proud.”
– unknown
~ Published 10/14/2021: Dan Keuler, Newsletter Editor ~