~ Newberg Noon Rotary Club Newsletter ~
Rotary Club of Newberg, Zoom Meeting
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
~ Zoom Meeting Participants ~
Shannon B, Mike, Dan, Geoff, Michael, Kim, Todd, Amy, Christy, Gene, Lynn, Brandy, Michelle, Denise, Larry, Kathie, Auggie, Joe, Michael Sipes, Shannon K, Ralph, Paul, Walter, Amber, Jim, Om, Matt, Paula, Patrick, Michael P.
~ Call to Order ~
President Shannon Buckmaster welcomed Rotarians and Friends of Rotary to the Zoom meeting at 12:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 10, 2021. The Rotarians split out into breakout groups to start the meeting.
~ Flag Salute ~
Kim lead participants in the Pledge of Allegiance.
~ 4 Way Test ~
Larry lead participants in the recital of the 4 Way Test:
Rotary’s Four Way Test of the things we think, say and do:
#1 – Is it the TRUTH?
#2 – Is it FAIR to all concerned?
#4 – Is it BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
~ Announcements ~
Laura and Paula are not at today’s meeting as they are attending other Club Meetings to present global grants in hopes of fundraising for the final $7,000 for our Nepal Global Grants. Thanks Laura and Paula for all of your amazing work, time and energy!
Also, Shannon reminded us all that if you sign up for and do Amazon Shopping through smile.amazon.com rather than just amazon.com, you can set it to donate to our Club Foundation on every purchase. There is no difference using this version of Amazon vs the regular version besides the small % of the purchase price that Amazon donates. It is small change but can add up over time. (Editor’s note: I have been trying to remember to do this over the last few years and have earned our Foundation nearly $7.)
~ Guests ~
Karen Roberts, Guest of Om
~ The Rotary Duck ~
Brandy: Working with Kristen Stoller on a project called Rise Up through the school’s wellness collective. This is project designs an informal type mentorship for students who are struggling with school during the Covid times. It will be a great way to serve in the community, would not take a lot of time, and is an opportunity to connect with a student. Contact Brandy using her email address if you are interested in volunteering in this program: [email protected].
Om: Celebrated that March 8 was International Womens’ Day. Also gave thanks to Brandy for help and advice with her daughter’s scholarship efforts and also happy bucks for Gene’s progress.
Joe: Celebrated the Kindergartners coming back to school and celebrated International Women’s Day.
Paul: Paul had written a grant that was to help Soroptimists’ Dream It Be It program which unfortunately was canceled. Paul also is looking to get volunteers to come help packing food boxes this Sunday March 14 from 3-4pm. This is a service project to package food boxes for Catalyst students. Paul is looking for 3 volunteers. Contact Paul to participate.
Todd: Celebrated the 220 vaccine injections happening today at Friendsview. He gave appreciation to the County for their work on this. This is the last clinic for Friendsview as this is the second round of shots for FV.
Auggie: Acknowledged that Monday was International Womens’ Day. Also told a story about Tricia Hornbeck (previously worked for George Fox) who had shared a song in celebration of the day, which Auggie shared with women in his life. The song is called “Put Women in Charge”. He recommended we check out the song.
Walter: Acknowledged that he was proud of his daughter and Wife for being Women In Charge, and proud of his daughter who is an RN and had sore hands from giving out so many Covid Shots.
Geoff: Acknowledged that Joe has the Mars landscape as his background and Geoff enjoys the celebration of technology.
Shannon K: Got to go to Amy’s Christmas Tree Farm this last Christmas season and had a great time and was thoroughly entertained by Amy’s fun and hilarious father. Her kids also had a great time.
Total Collected today for The Duck: $181
~ Today’s Program: Classification Talk by Amy Kutzkey ~
Amy has enjoyed being part of this Club so far and is thankful for all of the amazing ways people have come up with to help the community. She is a Certified Public Accountant and is the owner of Oak Hill Tax and Accounting in Newberg and her and her husband also own Oak Hill Tree Farm which is in Yamhill. Her aspirations growing up was to be an accountant and to own a Christmas Tree farm and now has achieved both. She was inspired by the campus of Arthur Anderson which, as a kid, seemed like always was full of fun activities and sports being enjoyed by the workers on their breaks and she decided she wanted to be an accountant.
Amy met her husband in College at San Jose State University and got married in 2007 on the same day that she passed the final section of her CPA Exams. She had other parts that were to expire and the only day available to take the final test was her Wedding Day right before her wedding so she did that and received the results during her Honeymoon that she passed. Her husband comes from a Fishing Family, and fun fact, his grandfather has the very first issued fishing license in California. She had her first child, 8 year old Maxwell, back in 2012, and then left California to move to Sherwood in 2014 in search of a less hectic lifestyle. They had their second child, 3 year old Emma, a Sassy little darling in in 2017. In 2018 they bought Oak Hill Tree Farm and started Oak hill Tax in 2020.
Amy and her husband love to travel. Some of their notable trips include deep sea fishing in Alaska as well as a trip to Austrailia. They also did a glacier hike that was a lot of fun. Emma, her 3 year old, loves to drive around on her 4 wheeler keeping everyone working on the farm in check and also loves the animals and being like her brother, including doing taekwondo. Maxwell got the honor of being the youngest blackbelt in his taekwondo club having earned it at 6 and a half. He also loves working on things with his Dad and playing outdoors. Hes got an amazing memory and is a great little person. During the pandemic they have taken on more animals for the farm to keep them company. They currently have 7 goats, 2 geese, and a lot of chickens.
Amy and her husband have a passion for supporting charities. When they moved to Sherwood they started an event called We Color For Kids where they raised money for families who were having trouble with medical costs and childrens hispitals. Buzzy Bees is an organization her friend started that helps families who have lost a child. They also have support the NCC, the Ewing Young Fun Run, the Sherwood Foundation for the Arts, Team of Training Marathons, and volunteering as coaches for kids’ sports.
In 2020 she started Oak Hill Tax and Accounting LLC. She has been doing accounting for more than 20 years, and previously was a partner at a larger Portland Firm before going off and starting her own firm. They created the business to provide tax advice that customers can trust. They also wanted to be able to be more of a part of the community and to be able to give back more locally. They can do anything from large complex taxes to quick and easy returns. They tailor their services to what clients actually need. They also service estates/trusts, non-profits, small businesses, and more. For more information on her business go to www.oakhilltax.com
~ Next Week’s Program: Every Woman Global Grant Update by Erin Thomas ~
Check your e-mails for Mike Caruso’s Zoom meeting access information.
~ Joke of the Day Early Celebration of Pi Day on March 14 ~
Q: What do you call a snake that is 3.14 feet long?
A: A πthon.
~ Happy Quotes! ~
“Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears.”
– John Lennon
~ Published π/2021: Dan Keuler, Newsletter Editor ~