~ Newberg Noon Rotary Club Newsletter ~

Rotary Club of Newberg, Zoom Meeting

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


~ Zoom Meeting Participants ~

Shannon B, Mike, Dan, Spike, Ann, Brandy, Auggie, Lynn, Geoff, Jim, Debby, Laura, Gene, Julie, Walter, Patrick, Doug, Paul, Tony, Denise, Larry, Joe, Paula, Christy, Shannon K, Lisa.


~ Call to Order ~

President Shannon Buckmaster welcomed Rotarians and Friends of Rotary to the Zoom meeting at 12:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 18, 2020.  The Rotarians split out into breakout groups to start the meeting.


~ Flag Salute ~

Walter lead participants in the Pledge of Allegiance.


~ 4 Way Test ~

Brandy lead participants in the recital of the 4 Way Test:

Rotary’s Four Way Test of the things we think, say and do:

#1 – Is it the TRUTH?

#2 – Is it FAIR to all concerned?


#4 – Is it BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


~ Announcements ~

Shannon reminded us that there will be a meeting tomorrow, even though it is the week of Thanksgiving.  It will be a great chance to hear from Dr Debby Thomas during her classification talk.


~ Guests ~

Lauren Ross, Guest Speaker


~ The Rotary Duck ~

Shannon B:  Shannon recently found out that her son was behind on his polio vaccinations.  She finally got him caught up when he went in to get flu shots!  

Dan:  Shared an email from Rick Kaufman.  Rick sent a very kind email expressing gratitude for Dan taking on the newsletter and shared with Dan a history of Rick’s service to Rotary: Ricks has served 52 years in Rotary and has served in virtually every club position including President twice, and a few at the District Level.  His Rotary experiences have extended all across the world including the snowy Alps of France and Switzerland to the hot, bubbling mud-pots of New Zealand, as well as a number of the States, east and west of the US.  Dan shared this email as a reminder to everyone of the value of quick and easy encouragement from our peers and as a reminder that many members who are unavailable to make it to virtual meetings are still following the club through website and newsletters and are serving the club and community when possible (I believe I saw a few awesome items from Rick at the Auction).  

Geoff:  He thanked Dan for his Rotary package Geoff won, he thanked Auggie for the Rotary Mural he is sharing in his Zoom background, is donating money for Polio if anyone can guess how many countries Geoff has traveled to.  Clue: it is a product of 2 different prime numbers!  The answer is 77!

Mike:  Kudos to Auggie for the “adios polio” mural he found, and kudos to Lynn for finding that the mural is from the Rotary Club of Glenview Illinois.

Lynn:  Matched Mikes donation for giving her a Kudos

Auggie:  Gave shoutout to Gene for his way of championing his cancer treatments and to the Huskies for taking down the Beavers.

Brandy:  Also happy to see Oregon football teams get beat as she is a die hard Cougar fan.  She also thanked Shannon and Michelle for bringing her auction goodies and thanked them again for all of their efforts with the auction.

Joe:  Gave to Polio but also noted that he has socks with a skateboarding dog.

Julie:  Noted that she almost figured out how to use her new web camera, but hasn’t quite gotten the audio to work!

Ann:  Shoutout to Shannon K and her team for their auction efforts.

Shannon B:  Thanks to the auction team and also to First Federal for donating the cost of the square fees that are charged for our online donating.

Doug:  The Portland State Vikings’ football games are postponed, but he wanted to give them love anyway.

Walter:  Mentioned that he has always made it a point, after buying wine at charity auctions, to contact the wineries to thank them for their support of the Rotary Club and the Community.  GREAT IDEA, Walter!  (He once even was offered a free bottle for his kind words…)

Spike:  Oregon beat Washington State this past weekend!

Total Collected today for Polio Plus:  $222


~ Today’s Program: Lauren Ross: Precision Helicopters and Tour de Vine by Heli ~

Shannon B introduced guest speaker Lauren Ross:  Lauren began her working career as a dance instructor and choreographer in San Jose, California after obtaining a Bachelors of Arts in Dance with a minor in Hospitality and event management from San Jose State University.  Years later her passion for arts education came second to her love of the hospitality industry, and after working abroad in the UK and moving to Salem, Oregon Lauren pursued a career in aviation.  She was hired by Precision and Tour de Vine by Heli in 2019 and is now their helicopter winery tour operations coordinator and manned operations assistant.

Lauren is visiting to share about Tour de Vine by Heli (website), a winery tour organization, and also about Precision.  Precision handles everything aviation.  They offer flight operations manned and unmanned (drones).  They also do aircraft maintenance, flight school, and aircraft sales.  Precision was established in 1983 as a small mom and pop business and has grown into a large business with lots of operations.  If you are interested in a pilots licence or need commercial certifications for airplanes or helicopters, they can offer that locally.  They are now headquartered in McMinnville near the Aviation Museum (perfect location!).  They even donate to local auctions easy year. (Brandy won it once, said it was one of the most amazing experiences and felt like a serious VIP!)

Services they provide include but are not limited to:

  • Aircraft Maintenance and Sales (Buy my own aircraft? sounds fun)
  • Flight Training for Helicopters and planes.  (Learn to Fly the friendly skies!)
  • Flying unmanned drones for intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR) missions and have worked with the forest service including during this past wildfire season. (Not to be confused with UFOs)
  • Fire fighting – They work with the Forest Service, Cal Fire, ODOT, and more to transport and dump water onto the wildfires (Thank you for your part in controlling devastating fires!)
  • Christmas Tree Hauling – Noble tree Christmas farm hires them to collect and transport trees from location to transport truck. (Sounds challenging!)
  • Heli-skiing – They fly skiers and snow boarders to the top of a mountain to drop them off to ski down. (Like in the movies!)
  • Charter Services – Personal transportation to the coast, Mount Hood, or other spots.  Also a great opportunity to see the state’s beauty. (Traveling in Style for sure!)
  • Winery Tours (Tour de vine by Heli) – they host you for breakfast, Champaign, and then fly you to a winery for an hour and a half, to another winery for lunch, and then a third winery.  There are approximately 30 wineries in the Willamette Valley they fly to.  The tour season is May through October, but can arrange out of season tours. (Sounds like an amazing gift idea for Christmas, Birthday, or Anniversary!)


~ Next Week’s Program: Classification Talk by Dr Debby Thomas ~

Check your e-mails for Mike Caruso’s Zoom meeting access information.

~ Joke of the Day ~

Q:  What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman?

A:  Frostbite

~ Happy Quotes! ~

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

– Mahatma Gandhi


~ Published 11/23/2020: Dan Keuler, Newsletter Editor ~