~ Newberg Noon Rotary Club Newsletter ~
Rotary Club of Newberg, Zoom Meeting
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
~ Call to Order ~
Club President Becky Ankeny welcomed Rotarians and Friends of Rotary to the Hybrid Live/Zoom meeting at 12:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at the Chehalem Cultural Center.
~ Flag Salute ~
Paula lead participants in the Pledge of Allegiance.
~ 4 Way Test ~
Michelle lead participants in the recital of the 4 Way Test:
Rotary’s Four Way Test of the things we think, say and do:
#1 – Is it the TRUTH?
#2 – Is it FAIR to all concerned?
#4 – Is it BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
~ Announcements ~
Community Announcement – The Sherwood Wine Festival, put on by the Rotary Club of Sherwood, will take place on August 5 & 6. You need to purchase tickets to this event. There is an Exclusive Winemaker’s Dinner on Aug 5 from 4pm to 8pm. The Wine tasting Festival is Aug 6 from 12pm to 7pm.
Community Announcement – The Forest Grove Concours D’Elegance Car Show, put on annually by the Rotary Club of Forest Grove, is on July 17 and information is available at https://forestgroveconcours.org/.
Newberg Rotary Foundation Board Vacancy – The Club’s Foundation Board now has a vacancy and if you have interest in filling that open seat on the board, contact Auggie or Spike. There will also be 2 more seats that open and get voted on in the next month. They are three year terms where they meat bimonthly.
Voluteers needed for Interact Club Project – Need some Volunteer help for the next Interact Helping Paws Helping People project taking place on August 6th which takes place from 10am to 2pm. The Rotarian will be helping set up and tear down, which is important to meet the needs of the grant.
Pancake Breakfast – Note that tickets are now available. Everyone will be charged and given 4 adult and 4 child tickets, which cost the same as previous years: $7 adult and $4 kids. Aaron has these tickets, you can pick up from Aaron at a future meeting and will also have extras available if you want to pick up at his office at Lewis Audio and Video on 99. For extra tickets, you can buy some online (www.newbergrotary.org/pancakebreakfast) or ask Aaron for paper tickets.
~ Guests ~
Shannon Eoff, Guest, Co-chair of Tunes on Tuesday
Jan Polendy, Guest
Amanda Bayha, Guest
Nickole Brewster, Guest Speaker
~ The Rotary Duck ~
Shannon Eoff: Shared that Tunes on Tuesday has started up. It is an amazing, fun, free event outside of the Chehalem Cultural Center every Tuesday from July 5 to August 23rd. The Noon and Early Bird clubs are the official sponsors for the July 26 show. There are a lot of different types of music throughout this year’s series. Gates open at 5:30pm and the Music starts 6:30pm. For more information check out their website http://www.tunesontuesday.com/ or look up their Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/tunesontuesday.
Becky: Noted that there was a typo / snafu when the bills were emailed out for the Pancake Breakfast tickets. It was accidentally labeled wrong. She shared that you can write a check or pay through Square for your pancake tickets. You can pick up tickets with Aaron.
Rick: Noted that he was one of the Founding members of the Forest Grove Concours D’Elegance Car Show put on annually by the Rotary Club of Forest Grove. This event, for anyone interested is on July 17 and information is available at https://forestgroveconcours.org/. This is the 50th year, but the 48th show theyve put on because they took a few covid years off. There are hundreds of cars featured.
Lisa: Shared that her house (not her personal house, but a house she rents to a couple in Newberg) burned down the other day due to a backyard fire pit. She encouraged that everyone check to make sure their insurance policies are up to date. Just remember, that even if the Firefighters are able to put it out, the water will damage whatever the fire doesn’t.
Paula: Leaves Friday for a vacation with 25 relatives. They are having a good time in memory of her late mother.
Becky: Reminded us of the Sherwood Wine Festival, put on by the Rotary Club of Sherwood, which will take place on August 5 & 6. You need to purchase tickets to this event. There is an Exclusive Winemaker’s Dinner on Aug 5 from 4pm to 8pm. The Wine tasting Festival is Aug 6 from 12pm to 7pm.
Amanda: Shared that she is starting another project at the Cultural Center (recall that she presented to us before about her flower based art). They are building a new flower sculpture out of memorial flowers. People can drop off flowers in honor of someone or something they are missing. It will be called “Growing in the Dark”. They are building this over the next 3 months. There will be workshops and other fun things as well.
Becky: Reminded us that Lunch went up to $11 as of July 1, that pancake tix are available, and that voting is underway for the new Foundation positions. She also announced that Shannon Knight resigned from the club and we are hoping she comes back, but remember to wish her well and let her know we miss her!
~ Today’s Program: Elevate Him with Nickole Brewster ~
Nickole Brewster is the founder of Elevate Him, a nonprofit located in the Portland area. In March of 2011, she was having a normal day with her family. Her brother was a frequent visitor with a habit of stopping by to see the family given his close residential proximity. She realized in his visit that something was off and he expressed his struggles related to limited visitation to his children. They made plans to meet up the next day but tragically the next day she learned that he had committed suicide. This was personally devastating to her and led to join support groups. Immediately she was asked to facilitate a regional support group in Washington County. Helping others was healing for her. Many major life changes and career changes later, she learned as much as she could about the world of non-profits and ultimately founded Elevate Him. She shared some statistics about men:
- 78% of suicides are men
- 80% of homeless are men
- 70% of homocide victims are men
- 64% of men serve longer sentences than women for equal crimes
- Culturally men are not encouraged to share their feelings or hurt
- 95% of work deaths are men
- Men die on average 6 years earlier than women
- 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused
- 75% of premature deaths in men are heart disease
The mission of Elevate Him is to empower men by providing resources that build and creates mental, emotional, and economic stabilitiy.
The vision of Elevate Him is to eliminate suicide by men through awareness, support groups, professional attire, and community corrections.
They serve men by providing Professional clothing (Suits), hair cuts, mens groups, community resources/connections, and suicide bereavement support groups. She shared several really heartfelt and genuine examples of men that the nonprofit has provided life changing help to. Some of the men they help are in severely desperate situations and some are just looking for a little boost to take a step up in their lives. Elevate Him has partnered with many different businesses including Goodwill, who donate clothes to her cause. Other businesses have partnered, donated, and fundraised for Elevate Him.
In order to help, you can spread the word of the organization and its services, buy their merchandise for which the profits go to the programs, make monetary donations, donate needed goods, and just speak love and be kind to people in your life. To learn more about Elevate Him, or find ways to donate/volunteer, visit their website at www.elevatehimnow.org.
Check your e-mails for Zoom meeting access information, special announcements, and newsletter release notifications.
~ Joke of the Day ~
Don’t ever bother using a dull pencil.
It’s pointless.
~ Happy Quotes! ~
“Allow your pain to move into purpose.”
– Nickole during todays meeting
~ Published 7/19/2022: Dan Keuler, Newsletter Editor ~